Andrew Winnett

President Message

Hello and welcome to the Foundation for Fiduciary Education. I’m excited to have you here! As an IRS approved, 501(c)(3) NonProfit Organization, our mission is to educate and empower families through comprehensive fiduciary financial education. We are pleased to provide you with financial education and resources you can trust . Taught exclusively by Certified Financial Fiduciaries®. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you in any way I can.


Andrew got into the banking industry around 2007 and was aspiring to be a financial advisor. Unfortunately Andrew could not have picked a worse time to learn to be a financial advisor. Only a year into Andrew’s banking career, the Global Financial Crisis occurred. Observing the Financial Advisor Andrew was mentoring under, running around like a “chicken with his head cut off” trying to explain to his clients why their portfolios just lost 30-40%, Andrew was convinced that he never wanted to be involved in losing a client’s money. EVER. Shortly after Andrew’s epiphany, Andrew father passed away unexpectedly at the young age of 45, leaving his mother and two younger siblings still at home. Andrew’s mother was a stay-at-home mom and hadn’t worked in almost 20 years. She was faced with some very difficult decisions. And although she did receive a Life Insurance Death Benefit, she did what most people do when they are unsure of how to handle a big amount of money. She went to a Financial Advisor and invested in the market. As Andrew was looking at her statement one day he discovered that although she had gained some interest, every penny she earned was eaten up in fees. This made Andrew furious. Andrew set out to find alternatives for his mother. Something that would offer her guarantees. Something that would allow her to retire sooner. (She had gone back to work for minimum wage.) Something that would ensure she would never outlive her money, even if she lived to age 100. Something where she would no longer be at risk of losing any more of her money in the market. Something where she would never pay any fees again. Something that would still provide great rates of return. And after much searching, to his surprise, Andrew discovered a whole new world of alternative products. Products that did offer EVERYTHING he was looking for. Once he helped his mother rollover her money into these products, something amazing happened. Andrew’s mom was able to retire right away. Years sooner than she previously thought. Andrew’s mom was able to take care of her bills and raise the younger 2 siblings. Andrew’s mom was able to never worry about losing any more money in the market. Andrew’s mom never had to pay another broker or account fee again. Andrew’s mom could count on a steady monthly paycheck deposited every month. Andrew’s mom finally had financial peace of mind. Andrew’s mom was able to buy her dream house, and comfortably afford it. Andrew’s mom’s Long Term Care Insurance was covered (for free) in her retirement plan. This “lightbulb” moment really compelled Andrew to ask the question… “If my mother benefited this much from these types of products and guarantees, how many more Americans are desperately searching for these types of products and guarantees?” Andrew started Legacy Builders Wealth Management with that in mind. To solve all the problems in the Financial Industry. To put the client first and provide the guarantees that most retirees and pre-retirees were looking for. The company took off like a rocket! Andrew didn’t really understand how big of a need it really was to provide Safe Retirement Products. Within 7 months, the company was valued at over 20 million, with 200 agents nationwide helping clients with Safe Insurance and Financial Products. Legacy Builders Wealth Management was awarded as the fastest growing Financial Firms in America from 2017-2020 and was able to help over 5,000 clients with their retirement decisions. And although Andrew’s success was admired by many, Andrew wasn’t able to spend the time with his family that he desired. Andrew decided it really doesn’t matter how much you make, if your family isn’t a priority, it isn’t worth it. He decided his days of traveling all over the country were over. Rather than focusing on Quantity, Andrew began focusing on Quality. Legacy Builders Wealth Management has never drifted from the foundations that make it successful. Andrew knows from experience what clients want and need. He continues to become better and better offering the highest form of excellence, customer service, and most importantly GUARANTEES that his clients have come to enjoy. And the best part is, Andrew now has the freedom to enjoy his 4 kids and lovely wife Jess in Franklin TN where they live, and still be able to passionately provide nationwide Safe-Retirement Planning as a Certified Financial Fiduciary®.

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Certified Financial Fiduciary ®


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The Foundation for Fiduciary Education (FFE) is proud to be one of the fastest growing non-profit financial wellness programs in the country, and the only one who’s Instructors are exclusively Certified Financial Fiduciaries.


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The Foundation Fiduciary Education (FFE) is one of the fastest growing non-profit financial wellness programs in the country!

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6 Take control of your finances through unbiased fiduciary education from a Certified Financial Fiduciary®